Candidate's Right of Access
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Candidate's Right of Access

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Article summary

The right of access, also knows as subject access, is one of the GDPR's regulations that grants individuals the right to view and obtain any and all personal data that was collected by, in this case, the recruiting entity. Candidates have the right to be informed of how and why their data is processed.
In order to be GDPR compliant as a recruitment agency or HR department, you must be both prepared and willing to provide candidates with any information pertaining to their personal or professional profile, as well as explain how it's being processed or who it's been shared with.
In the case of a candidate requesting the right of access to their personal data, please contact us for assistance with exporting profile information stored on your Manatal account.

The information is only a general guide and a suggestion for users. It does not apply to any legal situation, in which you should consult with professional counsel. Manatal welcomes any advice and will always seek to make your experience better.

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