Email Automation
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Email Automation

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Article summary


This can only be done by an Admin.


To modify your career page, please first activate the career page feature by following these instructions.

Email Automation

Manage the email address from which automated correspondence will be sent.

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Email Automation" category then click on "Email Address".

Career page 1.png

Email automation.png

Email automation address.png

  1. Select an email address from the dropdown menu. Click "Save".
    Email Automation 1

Post-Application Emails: Candidates

Manage and customize automated emails sent to candidates following an application.

Enable Post-Application Emails

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Email Automation" category then enable automated emails to candidates.

Career page 1.png

Email automation.png


Customize Post-Application Emails

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Email Automation" category then click on "Content". Edit email subject and content. Click "Save".

Career page 1.png

Email automation.png


Post-Referral Emails: Referrers

Manage and customize automated emails sent to referrers following a referral.

Enable Post-Referral Emails

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Email Automation" category then enable automated emails to referrers.

Career page 1.png

Email automation.png


Customize Post-Referral Emails

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Email Automation" category then click on "Content".

Career page 1.png

Email automation.png


  1. Edit email subject and content. Click "Save".
    Email Automation 5

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