Custom Resume Legacy
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Custom Resume Legacy

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What is a Custom Resume

A "Custom resume" is generated using the data parsed from the original resume in addition to other candidate information. The "Custom resume" can include a logo, a watermark, a custom header/footer and enable you, for example, to remove candidate contact details or add a summary.


To your customize your custom resume template, please follow these instructions.

Create Candidate Custom Resumes


It is possible to create up to 5 custom resumes per candidate.

  1. When on a candidate's profile, click on the "Resume" tab.

  2. You will be shown the default resume set for that candidate. Click on the Home icon.

  3. Click on "Custom".

  4. If you haven't yet created a custom resume for that candidate, you will be prompted to create one. Click on "New custom resume".

  5. Name the resume and click "Continue".

  6. You will be offered the following 3 options. Pick one and click "Continue".

    1. Populate from Original Resume: The custom resume template will be populated with data from the candidate's original resume
    2. Populate from Manatal Summary: The custom resume template will be populated with data from the candidate's profile summary
    3. From Scratch: Enter data manually to the custom resume template


  1. You will be take to the custom resume you have just created and now have access to the following actions.

    1. Edit: Edit information on the resume by clicking on "EDIT" or "ADD"
    2. Generate: The resume will be generated using the data displayed on screen
    3. Populate data: Change the data source used to populate this resume
    4. Options: Delete the resume, or set the custom resume as the default resume for that candidate when opening the resume tab
    5. Home: Return to the resume tab main menu to view the original and branded resume


  1. Click on "Generate" and the resume will be generated.

  2. Once the custom resume generated, you will be presented with the final custom resume and have access to the following actions.

    1. Edit: Edit information on the resume
    2. Full view: Open a fullscreen view of the resume
    3. Options: Delete the resume, or set the custom resume as the default resume for that candidate when opening the resume tab
    4. Download: Download the custom resume
    5. Home: Return to the resume tab main menu to view the original and custom resume


View and Manage Candidate's Custom Resumes

  1. When on a candidate's profile, click on the "Resume" tab.

  2. You will be shown the default resume set for that candidate. Click on the Home icon.

  3. Click on "Custom" and you will be shown the custom resumes of the candidate.

  4. By clicking on the "3-dots" you can download, rename or delete a custom resume. Click on "View" to display a custom resume.

  5. Upon display you will have access to the following actions.

    1. Edit: Edit information on the resume

      After editing a resume, ensure to regenerate it as instructed in the next step to ensure that the changes are reflected in the customized version of the resume.

    2. Full view: Open a fullscreen view of the resume
    3. Options: Delete the resume, or set the custom resume as the default resume for that candidate when opening the resume tab
    4. Download: Download the custom resume
    5. Home: Return to the resume tab main menu to view the original and branded resume


  1. To regenerate your resume after making edits, simply click on the Gear icon and select "Regenerate." Once the process is complete, your recent changes will be reflected on the customized resume.

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