Access Manatal as a Guest
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Access Manatal as a Guest

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Article summary

Activate my Account

Once you have been added as a Guest, you will receive an invitation email from Manatal to access the Guest Portal.

  1. Open Manatal's invitation email and click on "Set Password".
    Access my Guest Account 1

  2. Set up your password.
    Access my Guest Account 2

  3. After validating your password, you will be automatically logged into Manatal on your device.
    Access my Guest Account 3

Log in/Log out from the Guest Portal

  1. Visit:

  2. Enter your credentials (email address and password) and click on "Log in". That's it you have logged into Manatal.
    Access my Guest Account 4

  3. Click on your profile icon on the top right of the screen and click "Sign Out" from the drop-down menu.
    Access my Guest Account 5

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