Referral Management System
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Referral Management System

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Article summary


This can only be done by an Admin.

Enable the Referral Management System to gain access to a dedicated menu that helps track each referral, referrers, and their details.

To allow referrals on your career page, please enable the feature in your career page after your career page has been updated.


Any changes will be applied to all users under your company account.

Managing the Referral Management System

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Administration" from your side menu, open the "Features" category and then the "Referral Management System" category.

Administration 1.png


Referral management system.png

  1. Enable/disable the Referral Management System. Once the feature is enabled you will gain access the Referral page to track all referred candidates and referrers. Learn how to use the referral page here.
    referal management togle disabled.png

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