Social Media & Contact
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Social Media & Contact

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Article summary


This can only be done by an Admin.


To modify your career page, please first activate the career page feature by following these instructions.

Company Contact Information

Adding your company contact information and social media will display each of them at the top right of your career page as in the following example.


Company Email

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Email".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page email.png

  1. Enable displaying your company's contact email. Enter email and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 1

Company Phone Number

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Phone Number".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page phone.png

  1. Enable displaying your company phone number. Enter phone number and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 2

Company Website

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "website".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page website.png

  1. Enter website URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 3

Social Media

Company Linkedin

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Linkedin".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page linkedin.png

  1. Enable displaying your company's Linkedin page. Enter URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 4

Company Line

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Line".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page line.png

  1. Enable displaying your company's Line page. Enter URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 5

Company Twitter

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Twitter".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page twitter.png

  1. Enable displaying your company's Twitter page. Enter URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 6

Company Instagram

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Instagram".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page instagram.png

  1. Enable displaying your company's Instagram page. Enter URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 7

Company Facebook

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Facebook".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page facebook.png

  1. Enable displaying your company's Facebook page. Enter URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 8

Company Youtube

  1. Head to the following page.Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Youtube".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Career page youtube.png

  1. Enable displaying your company Youtube page. Enter URL and click "Save".
    Social Media & Contact 9

Share Jobs on Social Media

Enabling the share jobs on social media function will allow anyone visiting your career page to easily share jobs on social media. The share button will be located beneath each job description as shown in the example below.

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Career Page" from your side menu and then open the "Social Media & Contact" category then click on "Share jobs on social media".

Career page 1.png

Social Media and Contact.png

Share on social media.png

  1. Enable job sharing on social media. To share a job on social media, please follow these instructions.
    Social Media & Contact 10

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