Payment Methods
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Payment Methods

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Article summary


This can only be done by an Admin.

The payment method overview displays your saved Manatal payment methods. The default card will be used to process your payments. You may change the default card at any time.

Payment Method Page

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Administration" from your side menu, open the "Subscription" category and then the "Payment Methods" category.

Administration 1.png


Payment methods.png

  1. The payment method page allows you to:
    1. Add a new payment method
    2. Change the default payment method
    3. Deleted a payment method

Adding a new Payment Method


Accepted cards are Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and Diners Club credit and debit cards.

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Administration" from your side menu, open the "Subscription" category and then the "Payment Methods" category.

Administration 1.png


Payment methods.png

  1. Click on "Add new card".
    Payment Methods 1

  2. Enter your card number.
    Payment methods 11.png

  3. Once your card number entered, fields will appear for you to enter the following:

    1. Card expiry date
    2. Card CVC
    3. Card postal code (postal code associated with the card's billing address)

Payment methods 12.png

  1. Once all the information has been entered, click on "Save
    Payment methods 13.png{height="" width=""}".

Changing the Default Payment Method

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Administration" from your side menu, open the "Subscription" category and then the "Payment Methods" category.

Administration 1.png


Payment methods.png

  1. Click on "Make Default" next to a payment method.
    Payment Methods 3

Deleting a Payment Method

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Administration" from your side menu, open the "Subscription" category and then the "Payment Methods" category.

Administration 1.png


Payment methods.png

  1. Click on the trash icon next to a payment method.
    Payment Methods 4

  2. Click on "Continue" next to a payment method.
    Payment Methods 5

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