Manatal Inbox
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Manatal Inbox

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Article summary


This can only be done by an Admin.

Enable the inbox to use Manatal’s mailing system. Activating this feature will allow all users to send emails directly from Manatal’s platform.


Any changes will be applied to all users under your company account.

Enable the Inbox

  1. Head to the following page. Alternatively, click on "Administration" from your side menu, open the "Email" category.

Administration 1.png



  1. Enable/disable the inbox.
    Manatal inbox, togle.png

By using a Manatal email address during the free trial, users are limited to receiving emails. In order to send emails using a Manatal email address, please subscribe here.

Alternately, please connect Manatal to your Google or Outlook / Office 365 email accounts to send emails using Manatal's inbox during your free trial.

Once the Inbox is activated, there are 3 options that are offered to you:

  1. Use the Inbox as is, without integrating nor synchronyzing with any outside client
  2. Connect the Inbox to your Gmail, Outlook Live or Microsoft 365 account
  3. Synchronize your email client with the Manatal Inbox (for user that do not use Gmail, Outlook Live nor Microsoft 365 but still want to connect their email client to Manatal).

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