Organization Visibility
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Organization Visibility

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Article summary

The Organization (Client/Department) visibility setting of a company determine which users can see that organization.

What are the Types of Organization Visibility

There are 3 types of visibility settings to choose from:

  • Public: The Organization (Client/Department) and its details are visible to everyone.
  • Private: The Organization (Client/Department) is visible to everyone on the Organization overview page, but all its details (jobs, summary, notes, attachments, guests, history,...) are only accessible to its team members and administrators.
  • Confidential: The Organization (Client/Department) is only visible to team members of that Organization and administrators.

To modify the default visibility setting of newly created organizations, please follow these intructions.

How to Change the Visibility Level of an Organization (Client/Department)

If you have admin access or currently hold ownership of an Organization, you can easily change its visibility setting:

  1. First, you will need to be on an Organization's (Client's/Department's) page. In this example, we can see the visibility level of the Organization (Client/Department) is Public.
    Organization Visibility 1.png

  2. Click on the three-dots at the top left of the screen below your profile photo.
    Organization Visibility 2.png

  3. In the dropdown menu, click on "Edit Visibility".
    Organization Visibility 3.png

  4. Select the new visibility level and click "Save".
    Organization Visibility 4.png

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