Installing a LinkedIn Chrome Extension
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Installing a LinkedIn Chrome Extension

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Article summary

The Linkedin extension will allow you to:

  1. Create Candidates
  2. Create Organizations
  3. Create Contacts

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to install a Linkedin Chrome extension:

  1. Head to the Chrome Web Store and click on "Add to Chrome".
    Install LinkedIn Extension 81

  2. Click on "Add Extension".
    Install LinkedIn Extension 91

  3. Click on the extension's icon at the top right of your Chrome browser (Your Chrome extension icons).
    Install LinkedIn Extension 101

  4. Enter your Manatal login information (email and password) then click "Login". Once completed, you are ready to add new candidates using the Chrome extension.
    Install LinkedIn Extension 111

  5. Read this article to know more about using the extension to add new qualified candidates from LinkedIn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I use the People Match Extension if my account isn't verified ?

  • Yes, you can use the People Match Extension even if your account hasn't been verified.

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